health knowledge

Opinion: Why investing in staff health leads to positive global impact

The good work carried out by international organizations is all powered by the tireless efforts of a global workforce, and the best way to support the mission is by supporting staff members’ health and well-being. Today more than ever, the world needs the selfless work of international organizations delivering crucial aid and support during conflict, […]



HOW DO YOU RAISE FINANCE FOR YOUR BUSINESS? It’s the question every business owner wants an answerto. “How can I raise the needed capital to get my business where I need it o be?” We all have dreams and aspirations for our businesses but for some people, that idea can’t be brought to life because […]


The future for financial recruitment

The future for financial recruitment None of us really knows what the future brings but following trends is one way to get a feel for the direction things are moving in at least and Financial recruitment is no different from any area in that respect.   Here are some of my predictions for how things will […]


Using YouTube to promote your business or website

Using YouTube to promote your business or website Youtube is a great media for promoting any topic or business, however it is often mis-understood by business people including those in the recruitment sector who seem to believe in the principle of “build it and they will come”, it would be great of course if that […]