Let me give you a method that I do for my friends who can’t sleep. Taking sleeping pills is not good for long-term sleep. In this country, sleeping pills are not given at all. Before, I drank hot cow’s milk about half an hour before going to bed, and tried drinking it to see if I fell asleep. It’s not bad.
But it’s not very convenient for me, who doesn’t like cow’s milk very much. So I had to ask the birth mother, who was living upstairs.
If my daughter can’t sleep, add 5 or 6 leaves of Putina (Pussin) leaves to hot water, drink it when it is warm and go to bed. She will fall asleep in a while. Really good sleeping pills.
Now, I started to plant putina as a bed at home. Oh, and another thing is that drinking putina liquid makes me sleep soundly and makes me fat. Friends can use as they wish.
Credit: Wai Lwin